Havurat Tikvah (Reconstructionist)

2821 Park Road
Charlotte, NC 28209

P: 980.225.5330

Havurat Tikvah is the Reconstructionist Congregation of Charlotte, N.C. We are a diverse group of families, singles, Jewish and interfaith couples, who study, share joys and sorrows, celebrate Shabbat and holidays together and participate in projects that promote social justice. We value and depend upon member participation and leadership for our religious services, spiritual growth and governance.


Havurat Tikvah religious services and other events take place in Charlotte’s Dilworth neighborhood at Avondale Presbyterian Church (2821 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209). We utilize their Fellowship Hall, Family Life Center and Aitken and Vanguard Classrooms for onsite gatherings, as well as public and private locations for adult education, specialized holiday observances and other congregational events.


We observe Kashrut guidelines and only bring dairy/veggie/parve dishes using Kosher products. Schedules include a variety of regular gatherings including occasional Kabbalat Shabbat services, Adult Educational programming and Havdalah, Shabbat morning services, plus holidays and life cycle special events and study.


For more information, call our message center at 980.225.5330, or visit http://havurattikvah.org.